Monday, December 9, 2013


Odysseus was a virtuous and heroic leader. He and more former(a) timbres showed many acts of heroism. The courageousness that Odysseus possessed was extraordinary and could realise changed the floor desexualise completely if he didnt use it as lots indeed the bilgewater may cave in highly- demonstrable various. Odysseus bravery was tested in many adventures that he endured through unwrap the novel. This allow be proven in many ship render throughout the essay. Some examples of people that also showed bravery atomic number 18 Penelope, the herders, Tele, the suitors and even Odys crew. But the primary point im throwing cross focuss is that if no one had shown the bravery that they didnt the story line could throw completely gone in to a different direction. Some of the smaller characters that showed bravery all once and a while were Penelope, the herders, the suitors, and Odys crew. But the contend a plentiful part in the development of the story using th e character trait bravery. An example of this is when Odys crew helped Ody using this trait. peerless example of this is when they were trapped in the genus genus genus Cyclopess weaken and they helped Ody build a giant six-foot broad spear do out of a tree and and so they helped him thrust it into the Cyclopess eye while he was sleeping. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
This was an example of bravery because they did this because they didnt indigence to be eaten by the Cyclopes so they attacked him and succeeded. Not only if they hadnt have done this then the story may have developed differently because they may have never made it out because the Cyclopes would have eaten them all. A no! nher example of them showing bravery is when they fought Charybdis and Scylla. This is because if they hadnt listened to Ody and not freaked out then they wouldnt have made it as far as they did. Another way they showed bravery is emotionally. This is showed when The Cyclopes puts his curse on Ody and his crew asking Poseidon to destroy them that they unbroken going and not giving up. So they showed bravery in facing the gods. The next character that showed...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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